Monday, August 27, 2007


OPRAH!!!!!!Who does't love her? I chose Oprah because she is a dream maker, a giver, and an unselfish woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's a positive person who people don't mind listening to. Millions of Americans watch her show everyday supporting her ideas anywhere from cooking, fashion, or relationship advice to fighting world hunger. I see Oprah as an Icon because most of America relates to her someway or another. I think she is a positive influence to all ages and can be looked upon as a confident well-liked icon.

1 comment:

Humble Hippo said...

I agree and all, but don't youthink she does some of it for the glory? Giving away cars and houses and everything on her birthday list? I mean, i just feel that she not getting enough love so she has to fissh for it.